The BGS Movement Disorders Section is inviting submissions for its Essay Prize Competition Eligibility: Open to medical, nursing and therapy students. Title of the essay: Parkinson’s in the time of COVID. Closing date for entries: 31 May Submissions by email to: scientificofficer [at] bgs [dot] org [dot] uk. Prizes for top three essays: £, £ and £ Word limit: 1, (limit for references: 20) Jan 12, · 12 January Movement Disorders including Parkinsons. The BGS Movement Disorders Section is inviting submissions for its Essay Prize Competition Eligibility: Open to medical, nursing and therapy students. Title of the essay: 'Science at the End of Life'. Closing date for entries: 31 May Prestigious Dhole-Eddlestone Memorial Prize awarded to ‘Probable delirium is a presenting symptom of COVID in frail, older adults' 13 January The prize is given annually to the most deserving medical research relating to the needs of older people, published over the last year in the scientific journal of the British Geriatrics Society, Age and Ageing
Movement Disorders | British Geriatrics Society
The BGS takes a leading role in policy debates and media outreach relating to healthcare for older people, acting as a voice for our members and the specialty of geriatrics. We respond to public consultations to inform and influence the development of bgs movement disorders essay prize policy with the aim of ensuring bgs movement disorders essay prize the key changes that we are calling for are addressed.
The BGS produces publications including clinical best practice guidance, and is involved with a number of collaborative projects and pilots across the UK. The BGS is increasingly seen as an important and powerful voice advocating for older people. Dr Eileen Burns, Clinical Lead for Integration, Leeds, and BGS Past President. In our policy and media bgs movement disorders essay prize we promote the need for: An end to the divide between health and social care.
Increased investment in health and social care for older people. Access to comprehensive geriatric assessment, personalised care plans for treatment and follow-up for all older people with frailty, dementia, complex and multiple and long term conditions. The building of greater capacity in intermediate care.
Staff across all care sectors to develop competencies in the management of older patients, bgs movement disorders essay prize. Measures of care to focus on what matters most to older people and their families. Search options Keywords.
Authors - Any - British Geriatrics Society CQC consultation Care Quality Commission Caroline Cooke Eileen Burns Premila Fade, bgs movement disorders essay prize. From date Date E. To date Date E. Type - Any - News Policy. Group - Any - BGS England BGS Scotland Bladder and Bowel Health Cardiovascular Care Homes Group Community Geriatrics Community Geriatrics Special Interest Group Dementia and Related Disorders End of Life Care End of Life Care SIG Ethics and Law Falls and bone health Frailty and Sarcopenia Research Frailty in Urgent Care Settings Gastroenterology General practitioners Medical Students Movement Disorder Northern Ireland Nurse and AHP Council Pain in Older People Peri-operative care of older people undergoing surgery POPS Rehabilitation Group Researchers and Academics Respiratory Students Telemedicine Trainees Wales.
Sort by Latest Relevance. BGS responds to assertions in Telegraph article. The BGS is aware of claims in the Telegraph today 31 July that plans were drawn up before the COVID pandemic to deny hospital treatment to older people living in care homes, in the event of a pandemic or other health emergency, bgs movement disorders essay prize. Today the British Geriatrics Society BGS published a report from a second survey of its members describing their experiences of working through the COVID pandemic during winter and beyond.
BGS calls for public support of NotTooMuchToMask campaign. The BGS is supporting a new campaign launched by the NHS Confederation, NotTooMuchToMask. The campaign promotes informed personal choice now that restrictions, including wearing masks in enclosed public places. BGS urges new Health Secretary to consider complex health needs of older people. Bgs movement disorders essay prize supports change to day isolation policy for care home residents.
Professor Adam Gordon awarded prestigious William Farr Medal by the Worshipful Society of Apothecaries. The William Farr Medal was awarded to Professor Adam Gordon in recognition of his work as a clinical academic with interests in the implementation of evidence-based models of care to deliver improved health outcomes for older people living with frailty, particularly in the care home sector. Last chance to share your experience in our COVID second wave survey. The BGS encourages all members to complete this second COVID workforce survey to better understand your experiences of working through the pandemic during the winter and how BGS offer support over the coming months and years.
BGS responds to the Queen's Speech Today the Queen outlined the government's priorities for the year ahead, as she officially reopened Parliament. Doctoral Training Fellowship offers frontline health professionals the opportunity to undertake research. The British Geriatrics Society BGS and the Dunhill Medical Trust DMT are inviting front-line health professionals to apply for a Doctoral Training Fellowship to undertake vital research relevant to bgs movement disorders essay prize diseases and frailty, bgs movement disorders essay prize.
Interview with BGS Special Medal Winner Bex Townley. The BGS Special Medal is awarded to a non-clinical professional who has made an outstanding contribution to promoting the health and wellbeing of older people.
Our manifesto for the Scottish Parliament election. The BGS has published a manifesto for the Scottish Parliament election outlining how incoming Scottish Government can better support older people. Our manifesto for the Senedd Election The BGS has published a manifesto for the Senedd election in Wales outlining how an incoming Welsh Government can better support older people, bgs movement disorders essay prize.
BGS comments on creation of new Office for Health Promotion. The Department of Health and Social Care announced on 29 March that the health promotion functions of Public Health England will be transferred to a bgs movement disorders essay prize Office of Health Promotion in the autumn of Announcing Emergence Volume 2.
The editorial team are also pleased to announce that submissions for the second volume are invited from British Geriatrics Society members of any discipline or grade, as well as those in the IGS. BGS position statement on flexible working in geriatric medicine.
The BGS supports flexible working practices across the workforce delivering healthcare for older people. In light of this position, the BGS has published a statement setting out how less than full time training LTFT and flexible working practices can be improved for the benefit of its members and the older people they care for.
BGS responds to CQC report on approaches to DNACPR decisions during the COVID pandemic. The BGS welcomes the report and supports the recommendations. Used in the context of supportive and compassionate conversations with individuals and their families, DNACPR orders are a valuable part of good quality, person-centred care.
The BGS has published a report from a survey of its members describing the experiences of working through the first wave of the COVID pandemic. Leading experts in frailty launch the Silver Book II in collaboration with the British Geriatrics Society. The Silver Book II, written by leading international experts in frailty and hosted by the British Geriatrics Society, addresses a wide range of urgent care issues specific to older people. BGS statement on the end of discharge funding.
The British Geriatrics Society welcomed the announcement in August last year of new funding of £ million to support the health and social care needs of people being discharged from hospital for up to six weeks. This support must now become standard and funding must be available for this through NHS baseline funding. View as Grid List.
, time: 1:01:13Policy & Media | British Geriatrics Society

Posted in Academic Medicine, Best Practice, Conferences, Grants and Prizes, Trainees | Tagged Amulree Essay Prize, BGS Grants, BGS membership, junior doctors, Mary Ni Lochlainn, Medical Students, Movement Disorders Essay Prize | Leave a reply Applications invited for the BGS Movement Disorders SIG Essay Prize The BGS Movement Disorders SIG runs an essay competition, open to medical, nursing and therapy students. Closing date for entries is 31 May Dec 03, · The BGS Movement Disorder Prize is an incredible opportunity for students to widen their understanding of Parkinson’s Disease and it’s effects on sufferers. I would highly recommend participating to any student considering an entry. Elliot Gemmell. I had often seen essay competitions for students advertised, but had never entered one until blogger.comted Reading Time: 5 mins
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