May 13, · Kohn sides with Dr. Lilian Katz, Professor of Early Childhood Education at the University of Illinois, who disagrees with vertical relevance, the notion that children need to do homework in early grades to "get ready" for doing even more homework as they grow older. This concept should be replaced by "horizontal relevance," which makes learning Jan 16, · More than seven in 10 schoolchildren have negative feelings toward homework while the majority of parents believe students should be given a break from homework once in a This could simply mean that kids who do homework are more committed to doing well in school. Cooper also found that some research showed that homework caused physical and emotional stress, and created negative attitudes about learning. He suggested that more research needed to be done on homework's effect on kids
Do children need more homework? | blogger.com
Kids need more homework because they will get smarter and with less homework kids won't understand how to do something the right way. Some teachers give kids more homework to see how much kids know about what they are teaching to the kids and to see if they need help.
The youth of today definitely needs more homework. What good it will do, I have no idea. It doesn't seem to matter what you do with these kids today. They are just not capable of being as intelligent as the foreigners that are taken over this country.
When was the last time you saw a doctor that was born in the U, do kids want more homework. That's because our kids need more homework, so they can become doctors. Do children get too much homework? I think no. I will be showing you reasons why kids deserve do kids want more homework homework. Not only will this help the students get a better understanding of their work with any parts they are stuck on, It will also allow parents to get more involved in their child's educational life.
By being assigned work one day and knowing that it has to be done by the next day, They will develop a sense of punctuality by turning their work in on time. Kids should have more homework because it will take away from extracurricular activities. Extracurricular activities do kids want more homework away from learning time, And can distract the child from studying.
Children should have more hours of homework to increase test scores, Which improves school reputation. This homework can be used to extend learning do kids want more homework, And allow the class to be ahead at progress faster. Children Need More Homework It Increases the brain of course right so yeah we definitely need more homework we need it for our brain yeah obviously so yeah my final answer is yes we need more homework for us and it is good for us good bye .
Homework instills responsibility for children. It also helps instill discipline. When a kid doesn't have homework, Your child might have a difficult time in class grade wise. Having homework also helps bringing children and their parents together, Whether it's helping them, Or giving them advice on how to do their homework.
Imagine if you were living on the streets, do kids want more homework. If you were standing there with no food no water and needed a car to get to who knows were.
All of that would be because of homework. If you did not pay attention in class and then at home, And had no Idea what to do. KIDS SHOULD HAVE MORE HOMEWORK! Not enough homework increases the likelihood of forgetting the skill taught in class, Whereas some amount of homework will help the student perfect the skill.
However, Too much homework will stress a student, And stress, Of course, Will not make the student any better at the skill. Do i really need to explain why we need more homework, Homework sucks but as a middle schooler we need it. I also think homework and in class work are the exact same, So yes I do want more homework. And homework helps us comprehend. If they don't have homework then they will never remember what they did in class and they will forget what they did tomorrow.
Also they grow responsibility if they have to do work on their own. Students definitely do not need more homework than we already get. In fact, it's homework that is the main cause for failing grades. Schools can really stress kids with homework. School already takes up enough time as it is, and by the time we get home, we only have like three hours to spend for our personal time before it's time for us to go to bed and start the ridiculous cycle again. Within do kids want more homework few hours we have, we barely even have time to relax!
It's constantly this cycle: Do homework as fast as I can, take a break and scarf down supper, try to finish homework, stop and take a shower, do kids want more homework, go back and finish do kids want more homework, and the rest depends on if the parents are okay with the child not getting the necessary 8 hours of sleep. My grade is terrible in math because the teacher assigns so much homework every night AND WEEKEND.
I never get a break, do kids want more homework I know my peers don't get much of a break, either. Homework is fairly useless and it takes up most, if not ALL, of our personal family time. Then, if you don't do your homework, the child is forced to a consequence for me, it's calling your parents in front of the whole class to tell them that you didn't do your homework.
Excuse me? We're punished because we wanted to spend time with family? Or simply RELAX? Homework has NO positive effect do kids want more homework education whatsoever. What matters is the value of class time, do kids want more homework.
WHAT WE DO IN CLASS, NOT AFTER CLASS. What DOES need to happen, is that the teachers need to use their hours wisely with students. If a student is disruptive, kick them out, then get right back to work.
It's obvious that they don't care, anyway. I also think that teachers need to be more tolerant with children who do not understand and work with them. THATS the point when homework is needed. BUT, if it's a student that is doing fairly good, or okay, or perfect, why give it? And if they're going to assign homework, do kids want more homework, they shouldn't have to assign so much.
At least assign one different subject a day, and let the weekend be our spare time. I think that would be a much easier homework system. But MORE homework?
THIS CANNOT HAPPEN. I do not think that kids need more homework. That is not going to improve grades in my opinion because what happens inside the classrooms matters more than the work assigned out of it. I also believe in quality over quantity.
If the homework being assigned now is good, there is no need for more. Frankly, children already have too much homework. What is needed is an overhaul of the entire educational system, so that teachers are able to use the time they have in school more wisely, do kids want more homework, and eliminate the need for homework.
If less time was taken up with repeat discipline problems and administrative nonsense, teachers would have more time to actually teach! Homework is generally an absolute waste of time and hardly do kids want more homework contributes to the learning process in my experience.
It is often frivolous and detrimental. While I would not say that there should be absolutely no homework given, I do not believe that activities that do not necessarily benefit all students should be frequent and mandatory. It takes away from the time some students might otherwise spend on more productive activities. Children already spend enough time in school. The problem is not a lack of time. It's a lack of exposure to science and incompetence of teachers, to name a few flaws. Elementary and High School teachers should be as knowledgeable as professors and should be paid as such.
Furthermore, exposure to real science, not faith based creationist garbage, would be a huge plus, as well as teaching computer programming and other relevant skills. Schools should not give homework because it is stressful. Just google it, I don't have time to write this whole entire argument, So just look it up to find the necessary debate and science behind it in order to prove my point, Google scholar might be a good source in which to try and find a study to support my claim.
Homework is just a repeat after all the things that they learned from school, Not really necessary. And if they don't have homework, They can relax at home too or visit your friends or have fun by your own! Homework causes kids to dislike school too, Like even others don't remind teachers to pass the homework paper just because they think they need some more free time at home. Plus, Mostly parents don't take care of their kids about their homework, Because they think they can do it by their own.
You do not want your do kids want more homework to be stressed out all the time. It will take them do kids want more homework much time too do it. When they are all done they will no time to spend with you. The more homework they have, the more time they waste on it and not with you. The more longer it takes, they will be too tired to learn in class. Teachers actually slack off and then give the kids the lesson that they were supposed to teach as their homework. Teachers need to grade kids off of class work and not homework, do kids want more homework.
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Do kids still need grades and homework at school?
, time: 10:325 Reasons Kids Need Homework and 5 Reasons They Don't
They do not notice the time flow and cannot balance it rationally. Parents can learn their schedules and consider after-class activities. Adults are better at creating daily timetables. In a couple of days, they know how many minutes their kids need to do homework in STEM disciplines, Literature, Languages, etc The question of whether students should have homework is not new. With more and more kids and their parents stating that they have almost no time to live because of homework children get at school, educators start wondering whether giving them homework is really such a good idea Here are five reasons children hate homework and what you can do about them. Doing homework takes time, time that you child would rather spend doing fun things. Solution - Set a limit to the time your child spends doing homework and stick to it. If your child knows he can stop working at a certain time he will be more motivated to do the work
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