Juvenile Justice Reform Amendment act was therefore passed by the New York State legislature in A new category of juveniles named “juvenile offenders” was created by this act. The offenders were defined as thirteen- to fifteen year olds who commit crimes sufficiently serious enough to warrant prosecution in a criminal court An essay on juvenile justice must be written in formal language and all the phrases in it must be clear and unambiguous. Besides, unlike essays in other disciplines such as literature, philosophy or ethics, the materials you use to prove your position cannot be interpreted from different perspectives, as the source of judgment in the discipline of juvenile justice is the law itself JUVENILE JUSTICE IN NEW YORK STATE New York is one of only two states in the country that automatically charge all 16 and 17 year olds as adults in the criminal justice system. NYS PTA believes that a juvenile justice system is the appropriate setting for youth to be accused and
Juvenile Justice System Essay | Bartleby
Abstract This paper contains many articles containing information gathered from a psychological aspect and a criminal justice aspect. There are multiple ways that society has impacted our juveniles. Psychological help kids in poverty need to improve their quality of life would prove to be beneficial. The use of psychological studies of reforms on juveniles and how they are affected by the treatment they have received. They also think it is a child who is always in trouble.
Such as poverty, bad economy, or poor social graces. Or even a youngster who has predisposition for psychological disorders. Has anyone ever thought if we all stuck together, helped one another, or even taken the time to sit and listen to our children we might actually know why our child have been acting the way they do. They have been abused as a child, either sexually, juvenile justice essays, physically or even mentally. They could be being bullied and just act out because of it, juvenile justice essays.
They can have depression, social anxiety, or multi personality disorder. All of which can cause children to act very poorly in many situations or very well but, they will have limitations on how much they can tolerate before the behavior gets out of control. Studies have shown children with these disorders can be considered juvenile delinquents.
This, in lame man terms means young law breakers, wrong doers, and trouble seeking youth. In reality it is juvenile justice essays yet if the right treatment, care, or even help is given to the child a juvenile can grow to have a very successful life. If you contact a crisis hotline or counselor you might be able to get your child the help they need, juvenile justice essays. It may just be a case of your child needs someone to talk to about life. Or it may be a case of child is being abused at home you never know until the child can have someone who they feel is not out to get them.
Someone they can trust and tell their feelings to. If it is a case of neglect try and find an outreach program, juvenile justice essays. Find afterschool activities they can participate in, juvenile justice essays. Maybe even find juvenile justice essays big brother or big sister program which would help the child feel like they are not being avoided or neglected at home. In I juvenile justice essays was hospitalized because of supposed mental illness. It was found I was suffering from boredom because lack of interest in anything everyone else was doing.
I grew up in Chicago we were not in the best of neighborhoods, juvenile justice essays. It was basically gang family than central. You were always afraid to leave the house because of the shooting that occurred every night.
Speaking of the gangs the reason a lot of youths join gangs is because they are very accessible. They feel that a lot of the members are more like they are their own flesh and blood, juvenile justice essays. The youngsters get more attention juvenile justice essays at home even though it may be the wrong type of attention. They also feel like they have power and independence and can shy away from the authority figures in their lives.
It is an escape from reality however grim it may be. Some have joined gangs because of poverty level in the house, abuse, neglect or even to avoid reality. They do as they juvenile justice essays and whatever they please. With the gangs crime rates go up, drug distribution and use is higher. You will have this wherever you go no matter how far away you seem to think you move away from it, juvenile justice essays. It will happen whether you want it to or not.
It is happening more and more every day. This juvenile justice essays where interventions need to come into play. There has been a decrease in jobs the job market and a decrease in income all together from companies downsizing, laying off employees. The lack of unemployment insurance has not help the federal government has made it harder on the companies to keep up with operations due to increase in taxes and layoffs.
Even the working man or woman can hardly afford to work because so much of it is being taken in taxes or it is going towards fuel in their vehicles which is ridiculously high. This is making it hard for the families to care for their children properly.
They can hardly afford the food on the table and put a roof over their heads. It also makes it hard for families to have time together due to a family having to work multiple jobs just to make ends meet. Also it is one of the leading causes of divorce and increase in juvenile crime rate. Bullying has gone on for years and poverty has as well. So the bullying will continue for the less juvenile justice essays unfortunately. Why is it the less fortunate get bullied, you may ask. Bullying is another reason boys are more susceptible.
Some may just feel it is a way of life. Unless their parent have instilled better morals and family values into their children. We can expect children to become more and more deviant to try and test the waters of the juvenile justice system. Some may want to learn right from wrong but others will just follow the path of others for the chance of fitting in. The children may be able to overcome these obstacles if they are in a higher economic standard.
Yet, it is very difficult when you do not have the means or the background to do so. School, home, and up bringing has a lot to do with juvenile behavioral norms, juvenile justice essays. It is like this all over the country no matter where you are you will find out the grass is not always greener on the other side. Society has painted an awful picture of what things should be important and what is not. The lower classes try to put emphasis on family first but are afraid to show that they are in need of help.
Gender, class; race, ethnicity, and delinquency are all linked together in many ways. Yet, it is not because no matter juvenile justice essays social class you are in the temptation of doing wrong is still there. There is always a person of juvenile justice essays social, ethnical, racial background has the chance of becoming delinquent. Depending on whom they hang out with or the feeling of having to prove yourself, it does not matter who you are. Yes the lower class has more of a susceptible chance of becoming delinquent because of financial hardship, family hardship, or even emotional hardship, but there is always that chance of it hitting the middle class and upper-class too, juvenile justice essays.
Everyone has their own personal opinions that the lower class is all the problems of deviance. There is too much that can disprove this theory. If a middle or upper-class juvenile has been exposed to the gangs, and trouble in school or even if there is divorce in the family. The juvenile has the temptation to rebel and act out their behavior inappropriately. So where is the difference really except for the financial aspect? Ethnicity, juvenile justice essays, they say more non-white juveniles are a lot more deviant than whites.
This deviance is due to a cultural up bringing rather than color or race. If you were brought up to be a gangster or hang out with those who were social deviants it is your choice whether you want to follow that path or not.
It is more of an emotional burden than anything else. When it comes to being socially normal all people should be seen as the same color and treated the same as everyone juvenile justice essays. It is also said that males are more susceptible to be caught in deviant behavior. This could be true. Females tend to try to stay out of trouble and just date the mischievous ones.
Females do not have the overwhelming sensation to prove themselves in troublesome way. Females usually are more concerned about popularity in school and their clothing they wear. The reason some females act out in a deviant way is because of social upbringing and their need to fit in and it is only as a last ditch effort to prove they are the best.
Females usually act out in a sexual manner. The feeling of conformity to society is usually what brings in the deviant behavior. If society is overrun by juvenile justice essays type activity, violence, and other crime related activity you are more likely to have deviant childish behavior.
It is if a monkey sees a monkey must do society we all live in. If you have a good cultural upbringing and social norms to have the common sense or even the will power to say no it is better for the juvenile not to be deviant.
There are differences in the areas where juveniles grow up. In the larger city you are more likely to have the gang violence and the shootings than you would if a juvenile grew up in a small country type town.
Yet, the juveniles have the choice to be deviant even living in a small country town because; they have the overwhelming need to fit in or prove themselves to anyone and everyone. Even the juveniles who go to religious schools have the need to fit in because of clicks and social and fiscal clicks.
In which all the troubles lie. Not knowing where or even how to get the help or are they going to be able to afford the help. In President Bill Clinton tried to raise the budget so lower income families could afford to juvenile justice essays the health care needed, juvenile justice essays, food on tables, juvenile justice essays, and child care for those in need, juvenile justice essays.
He also increased the HHS Budget for the Head Start preschool program. He also tried to get budget increased for juvenile justice programs —including anti-gang, violence prevention, and school violence initiatives. Portner, Yet today they juvenile justice essays trying to take it all those who cannot afford to work or physically just cannot work period.
We are unable to defend ourselves because our voices are being overrun by the bigger cities such as Chicago. The book states that there are more blacks than white juveniles in our jails today because of personal juvenile justice essays social upbringing and there need to fit have happened since slavery had begun.
They have had it terribly difficult trying to fit in juvenile justice essays the early years due to the cultural and social integration of our nation.
America’s Juvenile Injustice System - Marsha Levick - TEDxPhiladelphia
, time: 22:19Juvenile Justice Free Essay Sample

Oct 30, · As a juvenile delinquent goes through the justice system they will experience punishment as well as rehabilitation. The ultimate goal of the American Juvenile Justice System is to ensure public safety, skill development, habilitation, rehabilitation, address treatment needs, and reintegration of youth into the community. Did you like this example?/5(15) JUVENILE JUSTICE IN NEW YORK STATE New York is one of only two states in the country that automatically charge all 16 and 17 year olds as adults in the criminal justice system. NYS PTA believes that a juvenile justice system is the appropriate setting for youth to be accused and Juvenile Justice Reform Amendment act was therefore passed by the New York State legislature in A new category of juveniles named “juvenile offenders” was created by this act. The offenders were defined as thirteen- to fifteen year olds who commit crimes sufficiently serious enough to warrant prosecution in a criminal court
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