Mar 15, · This literature review uses the following framework to define the relationship between reliability, guarantees and assurance in building customer confidence by reviewing the findings in different studies. RELIABILITY (RE) AND GUARANTEE (GU) = ASSURANCE (REGU) Reliability is the ability of an organization, business, or individual to deliver quality services or product as Words5 Pages. Definition of terms In the literature reviewing section of service quality, it will be discussed that is how the service quality and customer satisfaction is explained, how is it possible to measure and evaluate the service quality as discussed by different scholars and authors who have done a lot of researches on this area. In the early 20th century it has been noted consideration of process in SERVICE QUALITY MANAGEMENT: A LITERATURE REVIEW S. Santhana Jeyalakshmi1 and Dr. S. Meenakumari2 1Assistant Professor, Department of Management Studies, Mohamed Sathak Engineering College, Kilakarai, Ramanathapuram - 2Assistant Professor, Department of Management Studies, Anna University, Chennai – Abstract
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Download This Document, literature review in service quality. Showing pages 1 to 3 of 10 pages. Measuring the subjective elements has attracted the attention of many scholars as they focus on the service quality. Nonetheless, there are important elements of services need to be analysed and defined.
For a service industry to guarantee an assurance, it has to offer reliable services. Reliability focuses on the ability of an organization or individual to deliver the services to customers as promised accurately and consistently. This literature review uses the following framework to define the relationship between reliability, guarantees and assurance in building customer confidence by reviewing the findings in different studies, literature review in service quality.
In the fitness industry, reliability is important in determining customer satisfaction. However, it has never acted in isolation because it depends on other drivers to achieve the customer satisfaction. To these scholars, service environment, physical environment, literature review in service quality, and psychological environment can enhance customer satisfaction. In fact, without this factor, the framework. Therefore, this review explains the reliability and how it helps fitness industry based on the framework.
This dimension exhibits the exemplary degree of assurance. For instance, the dimension of service quality shows difference in reviewing the opinion of customers based on the type of hotel they attend. Responsiveness, empathy, tangibility, and reliability influence the pricing strategy of an organization.
When a hotel is responsive and empathetic, it assures customers of a healthier and safer environment. Importantly, the tangibility of the services is critical for customers.
Although services are intangible, the customer perspectives find the dimension necessary. Therefore, guest satisfaction has guaranteed guest retention. The employers have to guarantee the welfare of workforce to maximize their performance. It justifies the relationship between customers and the organization. In fact, in most cases, customers in a gym or fitness industry would wish to understand or know the reliability of the supply in fulfilling the set requirements.
In literature review in service quality cases, customers value fitness clubs with quality services as superior. I t is a literature review in service quality of.
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, time: 45:38Measuring service quality: A systematic review of literature

SERVICE QUALITY MANAGEMENT: A LITERATURE REVIEW S. Santhana Jeyalakshmi1 and Dr. S. Meenakumari2 1Assistant Professor, Department of Management Studies, Mohamed Sathak Engineering College, Kilakarai, Ramanathapuram - 2Assistant Professor, Department of Management Studies, Anna University, Chennai – Abstract Mar 15, · This literature review uses the following framework to define the relationship between reliability, guarantees and assurance in building customer confidence by reviewing the findings in different studies. RELIABILITY (RE) AND GUARANTEE (GU) = ASSURANCE (REGU) Reliability is the ability of an organization, business, or individual to deliver quality services or product as Parasuraman4 () enlists the components of perceived service quality as Assurance, Reliability, Tangibles, Empathy and Responsiveness. The five dimensions of SERVQUAL were used to study the service quality in service industry comprised of banking, tourism, and transport as Estimated Reading Time: 14 mins
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