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Personnel Management Term Paper - Words
Public Personnel Management The evaluation of the potential candidates is a crucial procedure because the selection of wrong candidate may result in the reduced efficiency of the organizational processes and can adversely impact the organizational objectives.
The utilization of Skills Matrix in the evaluation procedure has been proved as less time consuming and effective. In this study, three candidates are evaluated for the position of supervisor who will be responsible for the analysis of quantitative data, implementation and coordination.
Therefore, the candidates were evaluated by personnel management papers Skills Matrix which was developed according to the knowledge, skills and abilities of the position that are required for the available position.
The results obtained from the Skills Matrix were less time consuming and were in accordance to the job requirement and facilitated in the identification of the best potential candidate. Personnel management papers Introduction Competencies Required for the Position Factors to Evaluate 1 1.
Critical Thinking 1 2. Organizational Savvy 1 3. Interpersonal-Skills 1 4. Personality 1 5. Therefore, the organization that is willing to achieve competitive-edge on its competitors is required to attract and retain such human-resource that is capable to contribute in the achievement of organizational goals Youndtet al.
The organizations need to attract and retain competitive employees and in order to do that the organizations are required to evaluate the candidates to assess their potential and job-organization-fit Sekiguchi, ; Sekiguchi, The Skill-Matrix is used to analyze the skills of the candidates and the extent to which they possess the required skills for the job. Furthermore, the skills- matrix provides direction to select the evaluated employees by identifying the gaps and differences that the personnel management papers possess in accordance with the competencies that are required for the job Gatewood et al, personnel management papers.
The employees working in the organization are not only responsible to achieve their work related objectives, but they also play their part in the bottom-line of the organization by making sure that the organization is working in an effective and efficient manner with the accomplishment of organizational goals Luthans et al. Moreover, the procedure for the selection of employees from the potential candidates referred to be crucial for the organization by Wanous due to the fact that the right candidate can positively contribute in the organizational objectives whereas; the wrong selection of candidate can decrease the organization's efficiency and can impact adversely on the organizational objectives.
Therefore, the potential candidates should be evaluated in an effective manner by personnel management papers that personnel management papers possessed knowledge, personnel management papers, skills and abilities are not neglected during the evaluation process.
The Skills Matrix is used in the evaluation process so that the candidates can be evaluated thoroughly with respected to the work related requirements in the position. The candidates are evaluated instantly during the evaluation process of interview in order to make sure that any important observation and aspect related to the described factors are not neglected. The candidates are scored according to their potential and the weighted score is calculated and the total of the weighted score determines the extent at which the candidate possesses the required skills.
The evaluation that takes place by using the Skills Matrix is considered to be less time-consuming and is considered to be effective by selecting the right person for the job. In this study, the candidates for the position of personnel management papers as the junior management function in the city manager's office are evaluated and analyzed in order to select the best possible candidate for the position. Competencies Required for the Position The competencies that are required for the position of supervisor are discussed below: 1.
The employee should be able to analyze and interpret the quantitative data and should be able to make decisions accordingly. The employee should be experience enough to be assigned to the projects and should be able to manage his work 3.
The employee should be able to communicate the data that has been analyzed to his associates and should be able to implement the necessary measures in accordance with his analysis of quantitative data, personnel management papers.
The employee should possess respectable degree in the related field with the exceptional grades. The professional experience is also required so that the candidate will have the knowledge about workplace The employee should have the understanding about the organization and the workplace. The candidate should know that about the organization for which he will be working. The employee must be developed with ethical manners in order to work and pursue the work objectives at the workplace and should possess pleasant personality, personnel management papers.
Factors to Evaluate The factors that are required to be analyzed in order to perform the effective evaluation process for the candidates are described as follows: 1. Critical Thinking The candidate should possess the ability to think critically with respect to the provided quantitative data. The candidate should be able to analyze and interpret the given data and make decisions for the implementation of the process, personnel management papers.
Organizational Savvy The candidate should possess the better understanding about the organization and in this way the candidate should be considered familiar with the organizational processes and culture. Interpersonal-Skills The candidate should be able to communicate his analyzed data to his peers and managers so that the necessary measures can be taken in accordance with the analyzed quantitative data.
The candidate should possess oral communication skills to define and present his findings to his associates in a better way so that the communication gap among inter-department and intra-departments could be minimized. Personality The candidate should possess the pleasant personality and possess good manners to meet the ethical requirements of the organization.
Experience and Education The candidate should possess respectable degree in the related field so that it will be ensured that the candidate has the basic and practical knowledge about his work, personnel management papers. Moreover, the experience in practical field is required to ensure the professionalism of the candidate.
However, the experience in related field will be preferred, personnel management papers. Matrix The Skill Matrix is developed personnel management papers the basis of the factors that are required for the position of supervisor who will be responsible for the data analysisimplementation and coordination of the results. The factors are given weightage and the candidates are given rating on the basis of their observed skills and, the weighted score has provided the evaluated score personnel management papers the candidate, personnel management papers.
The candidate should be adept at the analysis of quantitative data. Moreover, the candidate does not possess good listening skills. The job holder for this position should personnel management papers active listening skills because he will be responsible for the coordination with the workplace associates about his progress and should be a good listener in order to delegate and get orders from his supervisor.
Measures Suggested The candidate can be provided with projects consisting of quantitative data at the beginner level and candidate's quantitative skills can be enhanced by providing him an opportunity to learn about the analysis of quantitative data.
Moreover, the candidate's supervisor can mentor him and can make sure that the information provided to the candidate is fully understood by the candidate and, the candidate has not missed anything during the conference or briefing. This way, the listening skills of the personnel management papers can be enhanced.
Human resource management: theory and practice. Psychology Press, personnel management papers. Campion, M. Structured interviewing: Raising the psychometric properties of the employment interview. Personnel Psychology, 41 1 Gatewood, R, personnel management papers.
Human resource selection. Cengage Learning. Human resources management, personnel management papers. Oxford University Press, Personnel Management Efficiency in personnel management Personnel is simply the human resource of any organization.
An organization is any cohesion between an employer and employee, with common goals. These may be profit making or nonprofit making goals. Management entails the general oversee of the functions of the organization and even the specific departments, personnel management papers. Managers should have certain specific virtues and abilities, including maintaining right relations between the employer and employee, decision making. Yet, it is not the global recession that prompted the problems, but it is more of the time when they surfaced, personnel management papers.
The cause is the poor personnel management implemented for years within the organization, meaning as such that a solution can only come with the improvement of the personnel management strategies. The lines below point out to some strategies that could be developed and implemented to address the problem. External forces from outside the organization, such as globalization, ensure HR staff must keep abreast of how diversity amongst employees may lead to conflict and a need for more culturally sensitive forms of negotiation.
Motivation through the psychological insight of HR counselors, personnel management papers, about creating high performance workplace teams is also helpful and necessary, in terms of creating the right staffing balance. Externally, the workplace has also changed in terms of. Maslow's hierarchy of needs Abraham Maslow constructed a pyramid of five levels, each level presenting the types of needs that motivate people.
At the bottom level sit the physiological needs, followed by needs of safety, needs of loving, being loved and belonging to a community. At the fourth level sit the needs of esteem, followed by the needs of personnel management papers. In order to maintain an organizational staff member motivated and, personnel management papers.
Reserve Personnel Management Systems Division: Officer Evaluations This paper engages in a thorough assessment of the culture, organization and technology of the reserve personnel management that operates as a branch within the Personnel Service Center of the United States Coast Guard: specifically the Officers Evaluation Systems.
The method used to assess this particular branch relies heavily on ethnographic skills and related techniques. According to the official website of the U. Management Development Techniques All business organizations seek to maximize the personnel management papers using the least available resources.
The bottom-line in realizing such coveted success is by making their management processes efficient. In this regard, managers will often employ various techniques in developing and improving their existing management styles, personnel management papers.
This is because new issues always would come up and have to be addressed through the necessary change management initiatives. This study will look. Learning Tools Study Documents Writing Guides About us FAQs Our Blog Citation Generator Flash Card Generator Login SignUp. Download this Term Paper personnel management papers word format. Excerpt from Term Paper : Public Personnel Management The evaluation of the potential candidates is a crucial procedure because the selection of wrong candidate may result in the reduced efficiency of the organizational processes and can adversely impact the organizational objectives.
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Excerpt from Term Paper: Public Personnel Management. The evaluation of the potential candidates is a crucial procedure because the selection of wrong candidate may result in the reduced efficiency of the organizational processes and can adversely impact the organizational objectives. The utilization of Skills Matrix in the evaluation procedure has been proved as less time consuming and effective personnel-management-n4-previous-question-paper-pdf 2/6 Downloaded from blogger.com on July 27, by guest and leadership and is currently accepting manuscripts. We welcome manuscripts based on cutting-edge research from a wide variety of theoretical perspectives and methodological orientations. The editorial team Personnel Management Papers:: Find a ghostwriter Your job is to writing services will require papers for sale will you personnel management papers a. Should anyone need to from us and well thing that personnel management papers improve. Your writer will adjust ever been a student, can remember the piles study and personnel management papers types. Of your college dissertation, research paper, 44%(K)
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