Jul 27, · Failure to develop a coherent and persuasive argument for the proposed research. This is critical. In many workplace settings, the research proposal is intended to argue for why a study should be funded. Sloppy or imprecise writing, or poor grammar. Although a research proposal does not represent a completed research study, there is still an Dec 03, · [Post information was updated in November, ] There are lots of argumentative essays topics here to help you write your essay. Our ideas will be helpful to anyone wanting to write a good argumentative blogger.com with these topics, you can An argumentative essay is a particular type of academic writing. It requires students to develop and articulate a clear position on their respective research topic. This argumentative position is advanced and supported through the engaged use of research to support the writer's perspective in the attempt to convince his or her audience to share
How to Plan & Write a Proposal: 10 Steps With Example - EliteEssayWriters
What are the hot issues now being debated among your friends online or at your school: a new course requirement? a revision of the honor code?
a proposal to construct a new recreation center or shut down a notorious nightspot? As you think about possible topics for your argument assignment, consider issues being discussed by columnists in the local newspaper or by your classmates in the snack bar. Proposal argument essay prepare to explore one of these issues, examining both proposal argument essay of the argument before you outline your own position.
Probably the best way to get started on an argumentative essaywhether you're working on your own or with others, is to list several possible topics for this project. Jot down as many current issues that you can think of, even if you haven't yet formed strong opinions about them.
Just make sure that they are issues--matters open to discussion and debate. For example, "Cheating on Exams" is hardly an issue: few would dispute that cheating is wrong. More controversial, however, proposal argument essay, would be a proposal that students caught cheating should automatically be dismissed from school.
As you list possible topicskeep in mind that your eventual goal is not simply to vent your feelings on an issue but to support your views with valid information. For this reason, proposal argument essay might want to steer clear of topics that are highly charged with emotion or just too complicated to be dealt with in a short essay--topics such as capital punishment, for instance, or the war in Afghanistan. Of course, this doesn't mean that you have to restrict yourself to trivial issues or to ones that you care nothing about.
Rather, it means that you should proposal argument essay topics you know something about and are prepared to deal with thoughtfully in a short essay of or words, proposal argument essay. A well-supported argument on the need for a campus child-care center, for instance, would proposal argument essay be more effective than a collection of unsupported opinions on the need for free, universal child-care services in the United States.
Finally, if you still find yourself at a loss for what to argue about, check out this list of 40 Writing Topics: Argument and Persuasion. Once you have listed several possible topics, select one that appeals to you, and freewrite on this issue for ten or fifteen minutes. Put down some background information, proposal argument essay, your own views on the subject, and any opinions you have heard from others.
You might then want to join a few other students in a brainstorming session: invite ideas on both sides of each issue you consider, and list them in separate columns. As an example, the table below contains notes taken during a brainstorming session on a proposal that students should not be required to take physical-education courses. As you can see, proposal argument essay, some of the points are repetitious, and some may appear more convincing than others.
As in any good brainstorming session, ideas have been proposed, not judged that comes later, proposal argument essay. By first exploring your topic in this way, considering both sides of the issue, you should find it easier to focus and plan your argument in succeeding stages of the writing process. Proposal: Physical Education Courses Should Not Be Required.
Focusing an argument begins with taking a clear stand on the issue. See if you can express your point of view in a one-sentence proposal, such as the following:. Of course, as you gather more information and develop your argument, you're quite likely to reword your proposal or even change your position on the issue. For now, though, this simple proposal statement will guide you proposal argument essay planning your approach.
Planning the argument means deciding on the three or four points that best support your proposal. You may find these points in the lists you have already drawn up, proposal argument essay, or you may combine certain points from these lists to form new ones.
Compare the points below with the ones given earlier on the issue of required physical-education courses:. Proposal: Students should not be required to take physical-education courses. Notice how the writer has drawn proposal argument essay both of his original lists, "pro" and "con," to develop this three-point plan. Likewise, you may proposal argument essay a proposal by arguing against an opposing view as proposal argument essay as by arguing for your own.
As you draw up your list of key argumentsstart thinking ahead to the next step, in which you must support each of these observations with specific facts and examples. In other words, you must be prepared to prove your points. If you're not ready to do that, you should explore your topic further, perhaps in a follow-up brainstorming session, before researching your topic online or in the library. Remember that feeling strongly about an issue does not automatically enable you to argue about it effectively.
You need to be able to back up your points clearly and convincingly with up-to-date, accurate information. Either on your own or in a brainstorming session with others, explore at least five of the following issues, proposal argument essay.
Jot down as many supporting points as you can, both in favor of the proposal and in opposition to it. Share Flipboard Email.
English Writing Writing Essays Writing Research Papers Journalism English Grammar. Richard Nordquist. English and Rhetoric Professor. Richard Nordquist is professor emeritus of rhetoric and English at Georgia Southern University and the author of several university-level grammar and composition textbooks.
our editorial process, proposal argument essay. PRO Support Proposal CON Oppose Proposal PE grades unfairly lower the GPAs of some good students Physical fitness is a critical part proposal argument essay education: "A sound mind in a sound body.
Students need an occasional break from lectures, proposal argument essay, textbook, and exams. School is for study, not play. A few hours of PE courses never hurt anybody. One gym course can't turn a poor athlete into a good one. What good is improving your mind if your body is going to pieces?
Do taxpayers realize that they are paying for students to bowl and play badminton? PE courses teach some valuable social skills. PE courses can be dangerous. Most students enjoy taking PE courses. Cite this Article Format. Nordquist, Richard. Preparing an Argument Essay: Exploring Both Sides of an Issue. copy citation. Tips on How to Write an Argumentative Essay. How to Write a Research Paper That Earns an A. Bad Essay Topics for College Admissions. Writing Cause and Effect Essays for English Learners.
How to Write a Solid Thesis Statement, proposal argument essay.
Proposal Essay Project
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