The first goal of this service learning project is to improve the quality of life for the children of the low-income Okmulgee community residents. A historical assessment of the Okmulgee area provides a picture of drastic change and a people trying to make genuine progress in face of pressure beyond their control Service Learning Reflection paper Essay Example. Volunteering at the Amarillo SPCA was a great experience for me. The most fun part was actually playing with the dogs because it makes me feel like I am making a dog’s day. The most meaningful part to me was knowing that I was a part of an organization that helps animals who are in need of help However, for an individual to fully participate and utilize their skills to the best of their ability, they will need to practice participating and helping within a community. This is what a service learning project is. This project will integrate the student's into a community, whether it be a town, church, school, and any other community. The student's will be given multiple opportunities that allow them to enrich the lives of the
Service Learning Project Report - Words | Bartleby
Service Learning Reflection Paper My volunteer work was at the Amarillo SPCA. The Amarillo SPCA is a home for cats and dogs that are still in good condition and can be put up for adoption. This organization is a non-kill and does not receive any assistance from the government; they simply rely on donations and sponsorships from local people and companies. They are located at S. Coulter in Amarillo. The shelter has 53 kennels, essay service learning project, 12 puppy cages, 5 exercise yards, and 30 cat kennels.
The purpose of the organization is to help these innocent animals essay service learning project their forever home with an owner that will show them love and compassion as much as possible. Here at the Amarillo SPCA they are trying to stress that no animal should be abuse or neglected and there is always a second chance for them.
While at the Essay service learning project SPCA, essay service learning project, I volunteered on two different days. On the first day, I thought that I was going to be helping nurture the six animals, but instead I was in charge of taking out the little puppies while the other volunteers were cleaning out cages and changing the paper inside.
I took them out to one of the five exercise yards and let them play around without leashes. On the second day of volunteering, I showed up and signed in, essay service learning project. The man at the front desk asked if there was any way that I could help out by cutting paper for the puppy kennels.
They were running low and needed help cutting as much as they could. Another volunteer and I cut paper for two and a half hours, essay service learning project, and then helped the full time employee clean out kennels.
I also did these tasks for the older dogs. Volunteering at the Amarillo SPCA was a great experience for me. The most meaningful part to me was knowing that I was a part of an organization that helps animals who are in need of help. What I liked the most about volunteering at the Amarillo SPCA was actually helping out around the shelter and interacting with animals. The challenge for me was sitting inside while the other volunteers where outside playing with the dogs.
This assignment could be improved by having one of the workers, essay service learning project, from the places that we will be doing our service work for, come in and explain what each place is and what they do specifically. I would suggest actually having to do an interview process to see if you are willing to come and help out anywhere that you have assigned.
I would like to see this done more often in each class. Actually having to go out and do community service is fun. If this was a requirement for every level, it would help out in the long run. It would also help out some college students when it comes out to applying for jobs.
It will show that you help out and give back to the community every semester. Essay service learning project project was actually fun and would recommend it to other students in the future. Free Essays Topics Essay Checker Hire Writer Login. Free essay samples Learning Service Learning Reflection paper. Service Learning Reflection paper 6 June Hire verified writer.
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Service Learning Project
, time: 19:08Essay On Service Learning Project - Words | Cram

The first goal of this service learning project is to improve the quality of life for the children of the low-income Okmulgee community residents. A historical assessment of the Okmulgee area provides a picture of drastic change and a people trying to make genuine progress in face of pressure beyond their control Service Learning Project Words | 3 Pages A key aspect of the project was to encourage students to engage in dialogue with local businesses in order for the student to assess and adapt their own communication style based on the situation they found themselves in. Students identified local businesses and discussed the cost and benefit of collaborating with each entity explore service and the meaning behind service experiences; focus on learning from the community and environment; connect coursework with “real life”; clarify goals and values; highlight strengths and areas needing improvement; and. evoke constructive evaluation of
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