Stanford Coronavirus Antiviral & Resistance Database (CoVDB) contains in vitro, animal model, and clinical trial data for candidate anti-SARS-CoV-2 compounds & experimental results on SARS-CoV-2 variants including their susceptibility to monoclonal antibodies, Enter your user name and password to log in Jul 15, · Online Research Tools and Aids Find Records and Information about Records. Our website contains answers to many of the preliminary research-related questions you might have. This is a searchable database of more than 3, numbered microfilm. The described microfilm include those created by or purchased by NARA for researcher use
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HERO is an evergreen database; this means that new studies are continuously added so scientists online research database keep abreast of current research. Imported references are systematically sorted, classified and made available for search and citation. The Health and Environmental Research Online database HERO includes more than three million scientific references and associated data from the peer-reviewed literature used by EPA to develop reports that support critical agency decisionmaking for chemical regulation.
HERO is part of the open government directive to conduct business with transparency, participation, and collaboration. Every American has the right to know the data behind EPA's regulatory process. With HERO, the public can access the scientific information and data that inform Agency decisions. Scientific integrity ensures the objectivity, clarity, reproducibility, and utility of EPA research.
Only in such a rigorous climate can the online research database decisions can be made. Contact Us to ask a question, online research database, provide feedback, or report a problem. Jump to main content. Contact Us.
Health and Environmental Research Online: a Database of Scientific Studies and References. Learn About EPA Programs That Use HERO Integrated Risk Information System National Ambient Air Quality Standards Provisional Peer Reviewed Toxicity Values Superfund Toxic Substances Control Act.
Using a Library Database
, time: 7:13Stanford Coronavirus Antiviral & Resistance Database (CoVDB)

Jul 14, · Research Guides Subjects Guide to Law Online: Nations of the World Guide to Law Online: Nations of the World. Browse our best resources, organized by subject. Toggle navigation A-Z Database List Full list of Databases the library subscribes to, including trial access. Go to A-Z List Jul 28, · Health and Environmental Research Online: a Database of Scientific Studies and References. HERO is an evergreen database; this means that new studies are continuously added so scientists can keep abreast of current research. Imported references are systematically sorted, classified and made available for search and citation Jul 15, · Online Research Tools and Aids Find Records and Information about Records. Our website contains answers to many of the preliminary research-related questions you might have. This is a searchable database of more than 3, numbered microfilm. The described microfilm include those created by or purchased by NARA for researcher use
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